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Plan Reviews

The Building and Safety Division is legally required to approve the building in the design stage before issuance of any permit for construction. In order to approve the design, it becomes necessary, therefore, to conduct a formal, detailed plan review to verify compliance with applicable codes.

Once the plans are accepted for review, they are placed in line for initial plan review based on a first-come-first-serve basis. For details, refer to Plan Review Services below.

When the plans are reviewed, a correction letter is prepared and plans are marked in red ink where corrections are needed. Plans and related documents are picked up by the contact person for corrections. After the corrections are made by the owner/agent, plans are accepted for a second plan review, and they are placed in the resubmittal line on a first-come-first-serve basis.

At the second review, if the plans are in compliance with the corrections requested, they are approved. If there are still undone corrections, a second review correction letter is prepared by the plan checker. Thus, the plans go back and forth in the system till they are approved.

Plan Review Services:

Regular Plan Review is done on a first-come-first-serve basis. Turnaround time varies from 4-5 weeks for new submittals to 2-3 weeks for resubmittals. Plan Check turnaround times may vary depending on the volume of work. To check the plan check status, please visit our Citizen Access Portal.“

IPC Inspector Plan check for Minor Residential Additions and U Occupancies:

Drawings for one-story residential additions of conventional construction will normally be reviewed by the building inspector rather than the plan check staff.
Plans shall contain sufficient information to show compliance with basic code requirements. Refer to handout “B-1” for specific requirements. Additions involving engineering calculation and two-story additions shall be referred to plan check staff.

Examples of what qualify as IPC are:

  • One story room additions less than 1,000 square feet (non-engineered).
  • Patio covers, carports, garages (non-engineered) except for those utilizing Building and Safety preapproved “handout” sheets, which will be issued over the counter.
  • One-story pool house/recreation buildings less than 1,000 square feet (non-engineered).
  • Decks (non-engineered).
  • Revisions to plans where no engineering is involved.
  • Mobile home foundations, if Counter Staff is unable to issue permit over-the-counter.
  • “Granny flats” (one story, conventional construction, 700 square feet maximum, detached).

Different types of plan reviews:

  • Building: Includes life safety, structural, handicap accessibility, and energy conservation.
  • Plumbing: Includes plumbing lines, water heaters, water closets, sinks, and lavatory, etc.
  • Mechanical: Includes furnace, condenser, wall heaters, chillers, and duct workers, etc.
  • Electrical: Includes electrical wiring, panel sizing, electrical equipment, etc.

Information on minimum requirements on my plans:

Plan-Check Staff Availability:

  • Plan review Engineer availability is 8:00 am-4:00 pm; appointment required for in-person meeting.

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