Rebuild Letters

What is a Rebuild Letter?
A Rebuild Letter states an existing structure (conforming or nonconforming) may or may not be rebuilt or re-established to its original condition in the event the structure or use is partially or fully damaged or destroyed by a fire or other natural disaster.
How do I apply for a Rebuild Letter?
To apply for a Rebuild Letter, the following is required:
- Complete the Rebuild Letter Application
- Fee – (under “Rebuild Letter” in the Planning Division Fee Schedule)
- Mail your Rebuild Letter Application, required documents, and payment to:
County of Ventura
RMA, Planning Division, L#1740
Attn: Rebuild Letter Request
800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 Or, you may submit the Rebuild Letter Application to:, with the subject line “Rebuild Letter Request.” Upon receipt of the application, Planning staff will contact the applicant to accept payment electronically.
How long does it take to process a Rebuild Letter?
Depending on the complexity of the research, the County’s typical time frame for a Rebuild Letter is 30 business days.
If you have questions about the Rebuild Letter Application process, please contact the Planning Division counter staff at (805) 654-2488 or by email at: You may also visit the Planning Division Public Counter Monday – Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the County Government Center at 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Third Floor, in the Hall of Administration Building, Ventura, CA 93009.