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Land Use Tracker for Certain Permitted Uses with Acres Limitations

The Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO) includes established limitations on the number of acres that can be permitted for the following uses: Battery Energy Storage, Locally Grown Food Processing, and Commercial Organics Processing. While the most up to date information regarding discretionary projects is contained within the Recently Approved & Pending Projects page, this page provides a summary of acres in the following categories for each above use:

  1. Acres in Submitted Formal Applications. The total number acres, and/or square feet (SF), that have been formally submitted to the Planning Division. This does not include draft applications submitted for technical and/or advisory review as these are meant to help provide early guidance to applicants on projects with no formal or official decisions.
  2. Permitted Acres Authorized. This total number of acres, and/or square feet (SF), identifies the numbers that have been approved either through a Zone Clearance or a discretionary permit. When a project permit is approved, this is when the permit area of the project is subtracted from the given acres limitation.
  3. Acres Inaugurated. This total number of acres, and/or SF, identifies the number of authorized projects’ acres, and/or SF that have received Building Permits, a Use Inauguration Zoning Clearance, and/or a Certificate of Occupancy.

Once the permitted acres limitation for each use is reached, and the “Total Remaining Available Acres” in each table below reaches zero, no additional acres can be authorized in accordance with NCZO sections referenced in the discussion below.

Note: If you are seeking the most up to date information beyond this page or the Recently Approved & Pending Projects page, both of which are updated monthly, you will need to contact the Planning Division at  

Energy Storage (Ordinance No.4630)

Aerial view of a large battery storage facility with multiple storage units.Energy storage is a land use included under the definition “energy production from renewable sources and energy storage” that is limited to the storage of energy primarily for off-site use. These are typically battery energy storage facilities that store and release energy into the electricity grid.

NCZO Section 8107-49.1 limits energy storage to a cumulative total of 100 acres as a principal, grid-scale use in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE), Open Space (OS) and Rural Agricultural (RA) zones. There is no acre limitation in the industrial (M1, M2, M3, and IND) zones. Energy storage projects within AE, OS, and RA zones require the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. They are also allowed in the M1, M2 and M3 industrial zones through a Planning Director authorized Planned Development Permit.

This table summarizes the status of energy storage projects as a principal use in AE, OS, and RA zones and the remaining acres that are available (i.e., not yet authorized) in these zones.

Case Number Acres in Submitted Applications Permitted Acres Authorized Acres Inaugurated Total Remaining Available Acres from the allowed 100
PL24-0024 0 20 AC 0 80

Last Updated [January 2025]

Processing of Locally Grown Food (Ordinance No. 4632)

People wearing protective clothing preparing food in a commercial kitchenProcessing of locally grown food facilities are intended for agricultural products that are grown or produced on the subject lot, or are locally grown as verified by the Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. These facilities are allowed in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE), Open Space (OS) and Rural Agricultural (RA) Zones with either a Zone Clearance or a Conditional Use Permit, depending on the size of the facility.

NCZO Section 8107-50.2 (f) limits processing of locally grown food facilities to a cumulative total of 12 acres as a principal and/or accessory use in the AE, OS, and RA zones.  The sunset date for authorization of the 12 acres for these facilities is January 1, 2030, in accordance with SOAR.

This table summarizes the status of Processing of locally grown food facilities as a principal use in AE, OS, and RA zones and the remaining acres that are available (i.e., not yet authorized) in these zones.

Case NumberAcres/SF in Submitted ApplicationsPermitted Acres/SF AuthorizedAcres/SF InauguratedTotal Remaining Available Acres/SF from the allowed 12

0.014 AC

(625 SF)


11.986 AC

(522,095 SF)

Last Updated [October 2024]

Commercial Organics Processing (Ordinance No. 4595)

Tractor and equipment for processing mulch at a work siteCommercial organics processing is a use that includes the sale of, or off-site distribution of, the product produced. Does not include the processing of mixed solid waste or biosolids or on-site composting operations. Commercial organics processing facilities which have up to 200 cubic yards of any combination of separated feedstock, actively decomposing compost, or stabilized compost on-site at any one time are small-scale, and those with up to 1,000 cubic yards are medium-scale, and those with over 1,000 cubic yards are large-scale. These facilities are allowed in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE), Open Space (OS) and Rural Agricultural (RA) and Rural Exclusive (RE) Zones with either a Zone Clearance or a Conditional Use Permit, depending on the size of the facility.

NCZO Section 8107-36.4.1 (a)(2)(i) limits commercial organics processing to a cumulative total of 200 acres as a principal use in the Agricultural Exclusive (AE) zoned land designated as “Prime”, “Statewide Importance”, “Unique” or “Local Importance” on the California Department of Conservation’s Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, Important Farmland Maps.

This table summarizes the status of commercial organics processing facilities as a principal use in AE, OS, RA, and RE zones and the remaining acres that are available (i.e., not yet authorized) in these zones.

Case NumberAcres in Submitted ApplicationsPermitted Acres AuthorizedAcres InauguratedTotal Remaining Available Acres from the allowed 200
PL17-0154 70 130

Last Updated [October 2024]

Contact Us

Donald Nielsen

Case Planner
(805) 650-4047

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