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Planning Alcohol License Review

The Ventura County Planning Division’s involvement in the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Licensing is limited to special reviews. If required, ABC will send documentation to our email and refer the applicant to proceed with us. We cannot initiate review until ABC has completed their initial assessment and forwarded the necessary documents. Here is the contact information for the ABC of Ventura:

Please first contact:

Ventura ABC

1000 South Hill Road, Suite 310
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: (805) 289-0100
Fax: (805) 289-0110

ABC Zoning Affidavit

Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Form 255 - Zoning Affidavit

A Zoning Affidavit is required for a transfer or renewal of an existing alcohol license. When appropriate, ABC provides a Zoning Affidavit for the requestor to complete. The requestor should fill out items 1-8 and submit the Zoning Affidavit to the County of Ventura Resource Management Agency for review.

Requirements for Submittal of a Zoning Affidavit

Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity (PCN)

When is a PCN Application Required?

A determination of PCN from the County of Ventura is required when applying for any on-sale or off-sale (beer/wine, general/public premises) ABC license within a census tract or crime reporting area that is overconcentrated. If the ABC determines that the application falls within the definition of an undue concentration, they may make a request of the County of Ventura to make a determination of public convenience or necessity.

Requirements for Submittal of PCN Application

To submit a Zoning Affidavit or a PCN Application for review, please contact:

Eileen Zakheim
Resource Management Agency
County of Ventura Planning Division
Hall of Administration, 3rd floor
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009
(805) 654-2434

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