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Single Family Dwelling

The County defines a Single Family Dwelling as a building constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code or a mobile home in compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), designed or used exclusively for occupancy by one family and containing one principal dwelling unit. 

Permit Type

A ministerial zoning clearance is typically required for a proposed single-family dwelling; however, the permit could elevate to a discretionary permit if the property is located in the Scenic Resources Protection (SRP) Overlay, a Surface Water Feature, or in the coastal areas listed in Section CZO 8174-6.2.1(b).   

  • SFD Ministerial Permit:  Zoning Clearance 
  • SFD Discretionary Permit:  Planned Development Permit 

Development Standards

The following development code requirements for lot area, lot width, setback, height, and building coverage standards that apply to individual lots in the zones are specified below.  Note, other general standards and exceptions may apply depending on the request. 

  • NCZO:  Refer to Article 6, Lot Area and Coverage, Setbacks, Height, and Related Provisions  
  • CZO:  Refer to Article 5, Development Standards/Conditions – Uses

Public Information

Single Family Dwelling Public Information Brochure 


Zoning Clearance Instructions and Plan Requirements 

Zoning Clearance Application 

Discretionary Permit Application  


Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance 

Coastal Zoning Ordinance 


Contact Planning Counter Staff at (805) 654-2488 or via email at for application submittal information. The Planning Counter is open 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Friday. 

For general zoning and planning questions, customers can also schedule a 15-minute appointment with Planning staff between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday using the scheduling portal. 


Contact the Residential Section Manager, Jennifer Trunk at (805) 654-2465 or via email at for general information regarding the permitting process related to discretionary residential projects or subdivisions. 

Contact Us

Planning Counter Staff
(805) 654-2403

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