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Mitigated Negative Declarations

If the Lead Agency finds that the project has the potential to have an impact on the environment, but certain “mitigation measures” will be required as part of the project to ensure that no significant impacts will occur, the Lead Agency will prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). These mitigation measures can be changes in the project design or operation and must be agreed to by the applicant. An MND further requires that a mitigation monitoring and reporting program be adopted to ensure that applicants follow through on the mitigation measures required by the Lead Agency.

Case Number: PL17-0088 Taschen Ranch Coastal Planned Development Permit

Applicant: Mark Lloyd


Project Description: The Applicant requests a Coastal Planned Development (PD) Permit to construct a 1,140 square foot (sq. ft.) pool, a 2,178 sq. ft. deck, a 1,683 sq. ft. accessory structure (cabana), a 750 sq. ft. seating pad, and a 125 sq. ft. equipment pad with a 6-foot fence. No plumbing fixtures are proposed in the cabana. Estimated earthwork includes 1,600 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 1,600 c.y. of fill. Two new water wells for the existing 10-acre agricultural use (organic farm) will be drilled and two 160 sq. ft. containers for agricultural use will be installed. Five non-permitted accessory structure will be removed. The applicant will be required to mitigate 0.78 acres of Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA) at a 2:1 Ratio (1.56 acres total) for the removal of native vegetation.

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified: Impacts to Biological Resources and Archaeological Resources.

Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN)s: 701-0-030-350 and 701-0-030-360

Project Location: 12233 Cotharin Road, Malibu CA 90265

Review Period: January 31, 2025 to March 3, 2025

Contact: Noe Torres,  (805)654-3635


Case Number: Major Modification PL21-0051 (Parent Case No. LU10-0069)

Applicant: Camp Hess Kramer, Inc.

Project Description: The applicant requests a Major Modification, Case No PL21-0051, to Conditional Use Permit, Case No. LU10-0069, to authorize the reconstruction and continued operation of a recreational camp known as “Camp Hess Kramer.” The request includes replacement, restoration, and reconstruction of damaged and destroyed buildings, vehicle and pedestrian bridges, and outdoor activity areas. Walkways and trails, water, and wastewater infrastructure, electrical and communication, storm drainage facilities and lighting will also be repaired, replaced, or constructed. Segments of Little Sycamore Creek will be stabilized, restored, and enhanced to improve overall functionality and protect infrastructure.

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified:  Biological Resources

Location: 11495 and 11677 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu CA 90265

APN: 700-0-070-450, 700-0-060-310, 700-0-060-140, 700-0-060-260

Review Period Start and End Date: November 22, 2024 to December 23, 2024

Contact: Jennifer Trunk,, (805) 654-2465

E-mail Notification Service for Mitigated Negative Declaration

SPECIAL NOTICE: The Planning Division offers an E-mail Public Hearing Notification Service that allows interested stakeholders, applicants, and citizens to receive e-mail notification when a new Mitigated Negative Declaration is posted. You may subscribe to this service by completing the form below.


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